OpenLayers 3.5.0 Released

The popular open source web mapping library OpenLayers 3.5.0 has been released.

Some of the new features according to the official blog: “Among the features in this release is a new snapping interaction. This can be used in conjunction with the draw and modify interactions to allow vector editing with snapping support. See the new snap example for a demonstration of its use. Adding to OpenLayers’ already excellent vector rendering and editing support, the Canvas renderer now supports a wrapX property on vector sources. Those in the mapping world have long known that the world is flat. But it is less common to accept that our flat world only has north and south edges while extending infinitely east and west. The wrapX property on vector sources (true by default) indicates that features will be rendered repeatedly as users pan east or west of the dateline. As if snapping and wrapping weren’t enough new vector functionality, the draw interaction now supports freehand drawing.  […] While we stand in allegiance with GeoJSON, you can now build support for Esri JSON into your applications. This adds to the already extensive feature format support of GeoJSON, GML, GPX, IGC, KML, Encoded Polyline, TopoJSON, and WKT.”

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