Here's the recent open source and open data geonews in batch mode.
- Statistics Canada, aka StatCan, will offer a lot (but not all) of its data under an open data license beginning February
- OpenStreetMap now has nothing less than 500,000 registered users, here's new tile sets for the Transport Layer and the MapQuest Open layer, and V1 discusses the idea of OpenFarmMap
- Here's an interactive QGIS tutorial by Harvard's Lex Berman, a detailed entry on the creation of Map Books in QGIS via the EasyPrint plugin, a first glimpse at the pgRouting layer for QGIS, and more on the fusion of QGIS Desktop with web technologies
- Mike at OpenGeo discusses the Esri white paper about using an hybrid approach; using both open source and proprietary GIS software
- A few sources mentioned the 'Public Mapping Project' which develops the open source 'District Builder' redistricting software, this was also discussed over Slashdot
- PostGIS gets GeoJSON support and here's an entry on Topology cleaning with PostGIS
- If you're into Python, here's Kurt lecture on writing KML and SQLite with Python
- We just shared with you the new global GMTED dataset, here's how to seamlessly access to remote Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data with GDAL
- GeoSolutions shared an entry named Serving Meteo data with GeoServer, GeoBatch and GeoNetwork: the LaMMA use case
- DM shares an article from a Slashgeo editor, named Open Source Software and OGC Web Services: Life-saving Components in Québec’s Emergency and Disaster Management
- Geopaparazzi 2.5.0 has been released