Tag Archives: free

OpenLayers 2.10 Released

The always popular open source OpenLayers project released version 2.10. From the announcement: "The 2.10 release adds several important features. Some of the highlights include: * Support for Google Maps v3 * Significant improvements to the panel control functionality * Improvements in support for WMS, WFS standards ... and many other bug fixes." Here's the 2.10 release notes. I will also soon publish the notes I took from the "OpenLayers' future" talk done by Tim Schaub at FOSS4G last week.

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gvSIG Mini for Android 1.0.0 released

gvSIG Mini development team is proud to announce the release of the stable version gvSIG Mini for Android 1.0.

gvSIG Mini is an open source project (GNU/GPL) aimed at Java and Android mobile phones. Released version is 1.0.0 for Android. This version offers, among other features, the ability of a direct download of maps from the phone to the storage card, for a further map displaying in offline mode, with no data connection.

gvSIG Mini is a free viewer of free aceess maps based on tiles (OpenStreetMap, YahooMaps, Microsoft Bing, ...), with an off-line mode, a WMS & WMS-C client, address and POI search, routes and many more things.

Main latest features of 1.0.0 version are the following ones:

  • Map download directly from the mobile phone, for off-line usage.
  • Off-line mode for viewing maps with no data connection.
  • Multitouch support.
  • New map rendering system, much more agile.
  • Standard Android search button support.
  • New layers available by default.
  • UK Ordnance Survey official maps (rendered by OS).
  • Settings menu with many options.
  • New cache options.
  • Android 2.2 support (now from 1.5 to 2.2).

More than 20 bugs have also been fixed.

gvSIG Mini has been developed by Prodevelop. Also available at Android Market.

More information at:

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GRASS GIS 6.4.0 released

The GRASS Development Team announced the release of GRASS GIS 6.4.0, the first in the new line of 6.4 stable releases. As a stable release 6.4 will enjoy long-term support. The next release (6.4.1) will introduce a few new features which are still undergoing final testing, but after that all further 6.4 releases will be bugfix-only.


  • Screenshots of GRASS in action

What's new in GRASS 6.4.0

(selected improvements from the nearly 9,000 updates to the source code)

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GeoServer 2.1 Beta Released

The GeoServer blog has an announcement about a new beta version. The following is a list of features available in the new beta :

  • WMS Cascading
  • Virtual Services
  • Layers from SQL
  • WPS
  • Unit of Seasure
  • DPI Scaling

Head on over to the blog to see the detailed description of the features and download links.

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MapFish 2.0 Released

The open source web mapping framework MapFish 2.0 has been released. From the announcement: "The highlights of the release are: * MapFish 2 comes with GeoAlchemy, and uses GeoAlchemy internally. Among other things, this brings MapFish support for PostGIS as well as Spatialite, MySQL, and Oracle Spatial. * MapFish 2 is based on Pylons 1.0, the first stable version of Pylons. * the API of MapFish 2 is incompatible with that of MapFish 1.2, see to know how to migrate your applications. * the client plugin installs OpenLayers 2.9.1, and GeoExt 0.7 in the application, and does not longer install MapFish Client."

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Video & ISO for Best GeoSpatial Open Source Software

This comes from a submission on the old site, which shouldn't be available any moment now. Cameron Shorter writes "Version 4.0 of the OSGeo Live GIS software collection has been released, along with a 25 minute video describing the 42 contributing GeoSpatial Open Source applications. OSGeo-Live is a self-contained bootable DVD, USB flash drive and Virtual Machine based upon Ubuntu Linux that is pre-configured with a wide variety of robust open source geospatial software. The applications can be trialed without installing anything on your computer, simply by booting the computer from the DVD or USB drive. ... more"

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OpenDragon: Open Source Imagery Analysis Program

Still catching up recent geonews, last week the FGT blog mentioned the open source imagery analysis project named OpenDragon. While the project has been around for over 5 years, we never mentioned it in the past. From the official website: "OpenDragon provides a robust suite of image processing operations, via an intuitive, responsive, multi-window graphical user interface. Software functionality includes full-color display, annotation, enhancement, measurement, supervised and unsupervised classification, georeferencing, on-screen vector capture, and a broad range of other capabilities to support image processing education and research. OpenDragon can access image and data files created by earlier releases of commercial Dragon, can run scripts created for other versions, and is backward compatible in its organization and navigation. OpenDragon uses an innovative client-server architecture and is based on platform-independent industry standards including Java, XML and HTML. The OpenDragon architecture supports new levels of user extensibility and will eventually allow the software to execute on Windows, Linux, Mac OS/X, and Solaris and other Unix variants. " We previously mentioned a few other similar software, Opticks is one example.

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ikiMap, create and share your maps

ikiMap is a free web service which allows its users to create and share their maps. The objective is to combine the concept of a social network together with the use of cartography and maps. Users can create their own maps (by uploading files in KML, GPX…formats or directly by drawing on the map), vote for other users maps, add comments, create groups of friends, theme channels and more! Users can actually label the map as private and grant access to it only to certain people. ikiMap is a free service, and it's based on freeware:

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