
Wikimedia European History Map over almost 2500 years

Andrew’s bloggage update: Created a video of some of the cool Wikimedia Atlas of European maps. Downloaded the images, rubber sheeted them and composited each map sheet in YouTube - if you squint you’ll see the four red dots I used as projection reference. This is a useful skill as crowd-sourcing emerges as a tool for good, be it for ...

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Handy Maps Social and Routing

Bloggage update: After posting stripped French electorate data in my Cambridgeshire UK postcode area to help canvassing with my mobile from free arcgis, I added some geoprocessiong on my freemium ArcGIS Online account:

  • Update 1: see the social map created from this on a custom arcgis account
  • Update 2: see the traveling salesman problem executed on this simple example

Do let me know what you think of this! This is my first try, and I reported a few issues on time awareness and service area calculations, so stay tuned.... I keep using all means available, to learn web mapping and to share it with you.

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Handy Maps

Bloggage update:  With the European elections coming up, I canvass my neighbourhood for my French party. This is a classic traveling salesman problem: where are my compatriots and how can I best reach them? The electoral list I received  is confidential, so I carry around on my smartphone to canvass a map showing local compatriots in my loaded on arcgis but only seen from my login. 

In order to share the same, I strip the file I geocoded in arcgis of non-geo identifiers, and repost the data with OS Vectormap TL for the street network. Et voila! DIY maps are as easy as... 
  1. load a spreadsheet to geocode quickly&easily on arcgis
  2. read it on my smartphone to help me canvass my neighbourhood
  3. clean it and strip it of any secure info to share publicly 
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… now HOW open is open?

Bloggage update: A lot of (virtual) ink has flowed around opening up data. Everyone is getting into the act, from White House and Whitehall (UK Cabinet Office) to the number of open data hits. In my blog and its companion catalog, I showed many examples of data uploaded, served up and linked in to my web services. 

There are however competing policies by, say, Esri and Google on how to serve up and access public data. And both limit how you can tie into them via web services. We all support a free and open web, but  #freeandopen means different things to different people. This blog and its companion catalog are dedicated to truly opening up web mapping.
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Releasing data really works, Part VI

Bloggage update: Three months into posting data on my web service, I created a short list of free data for Great Britain on my Map Catalog called GB Freebie. While that post details the offering, let's review here some lessons learned in using Mapcentia stack on AWS. It further illustrates how relatively easy it is to post freely available datasets "with a little help from my friends"... So go ahead and explore more from many other free data sources!

Mind the Map - GB Freebie

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Global Sailings (1662 - 1856, English, Spanish, Dutch, French) revisited

Bloggage update: I originally posted CLIWOC (CLImatological database for the World's OCeans) ship's captain's logs location data as uploads to the web. This 250K point data-set is now posted direct to web for easier access on AWS  via GeoCloud2 stack.  Again, this is only the ships' location data: as per its name, there is scope to add climate data from CLIWOC direct-to- web... so important these days to document climate change using a global dataset from 150 - 250 years ago!

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Map Catalog, Page 4

Bloggage update: added British Geological Survey web mapping services to East Anglia web map, in order to compare historic and current geology. The Snapshot format also give the catalog a variety of viewing options of the catalog. As I say in More East Anglia Web Mashups , such small scale maps are intended to engage and inform, and point to more detailed maps and fieldwork or possible avenue of research subject to an upcoming paper.
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Map Catalog, continued

(late) bloggage update: Global vector datasets on AWS, see the opportunities and challenges.

I wrote a decade ago at Esri that accuracy in geological mapping and interpretation, need no longer be a compromise of computer system speed and storage capacity. Well it appears like we are finally getting to achieve that with the variety of platforms available to we the people as data democracy starts to gain traction.

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Standards & Metadata, Part VIII

Bloggage update: My previous post on Standards and Metadata stated how careful documentation and appropriate metadata high-grades any information that is shared online by giving origin, context and other information. It helps build bridges and I quipped a well-known tear down this wall that also closed my second last post on free data and apps.

In that post I described how UK Parish data underpinning my geo-history project came from publicly released Ordnance Survey Boundary Line data. I attributed the data in both figures of that post. And giscloud also adds a data source to each of their web maps.  Now Mapcentia, whose service is used to post said geo-history project, also added a metadata button next to each Table of Contents item, as entered in GeoCloud2 database - and to repeat them, see how it works on my map there (and thanks Martin for the referral).
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Releasing data really works, Part V

Bloggage update: It took five days (after hours) to stand up, learn, tweak and display my East Anglia Fenlands project on Mapcentia's web service. It started with a GISuser group post on LinkedIn on Monday, I used my Amazon Web Service free EC2 trial and GeoCloud2 under beta, and by Friday I had it working and styled. No small thanks to Martin Hogh's original work and help, the result is a simple yet modern and pleasing web map. Not only can I serve up the results of my round-trip Ordnance Survey polygon corrections, but I can also serve up my East Anglia Fenlands project quickly and effectively.

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