Here's the recent geonews in batch mode.
From the open source and open data front:
- BrainOff shares a few examples of capabilities offered only by OpenStreetMap because of its open nature
- V1 mentions ReadyMap, using OpenLayers to render 3D models directly in the browser
- Here's a way to enhance raster contrast with gdal_lightner, with may makes its way as a QGIS Plugin
- Sean made me aware of pygp, a python geoprocessing package
- Here's a short but interesting article named The GeoWeb, Citizen Science and Open Data
- Harvard's WorldMap reached version 1.0 and they're looking for participants, we mentioned WorldMap in the past
In the everything-else category:
MapQuest Releases Native Mobile Mapping APIs for Android and Apple iOS, and yes, you can use OpenStreetMap data with it
And there's now live traffic cameras in MapQuest too
SS shares a nicely done 2-minutes video of the OGC on the value of geospatial and standards
DM shares more information on Pitney Bowes's Geosk geodata platform, we mentioned Geosk last december. From the article: "Geosk is a platform for finding and using geospatial data. It combines a data as a service (DaaS) offering with a data management product. At its heart, Geosk is a completely scalable data management system that allows our customers to share their data with any user they choose, including their customers. Around this data management system we wrap an e-commerce engine to help our customers buy and sell premium geospatial data."
- Slashdot discussed Canada's Massive Public Traffic Surveillance System, which involves license plate reading, a topic covered a few times already
- DM offers an article on socio-demographic structures in Germany
- SS informs us a 3D model of Bangkok is now publicly available
- SS also informs us of Ericsson's Geo Location Messaging API, I wonder how it relates to GeoSMS
- In two entries, V1 explore to potential synergies between music interfaces and controllers and geospatial
In the maps category:
- O'Reilly shares a map of Mexico's drug war
- WunderMap now has historical weather maps for you
- Here's a map of the U.S. showing terrain by using only the roads
- SS shares an entry named Energy Use Data for all of New York City Released in Map Form