Here’s the recent open source and open data geonews. On the software front: A new version, OpenGeo Suite 4.1 released Updated QGIS plugin for Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin v.3.0 “Rome” released OL3 is not with us yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have Editing in OpenLayers 3 using WFS-T Here’s to create Toner-lite styles for QGIS, similar to the ones ...
Read More »Tag Archives: OpenStreetMap
Batch Geonews: Municipal Datasets, 3DEP - 3D Elevation Program, more Transit in Google Maps, and much more
Here's the recent geonews in batch mode.
From the open source and open data front:
- Rezoning permits are #1, Open Data Summit Top 10 Most Wanted Municipal Datasets
- New open source tool, batyr: On-demand synchronization of vector data to a PostGIS database
- QGIS improvements the QGIS Field calculator is dead. Long live the Field calculator bar
- Something many end up doing, and here's a guide to do it, A guide to the rasterization of vector coverages in PostGIS
- An extension in development to make OpenLayers more powerful, CAD-like Feature Construction with the OpenLayers Editor
- Open data is everywhere, and any time! OpenHistoricalMap is a project designed to store and display map data throughout the history of the world
- GeoAwesome asks Should navigation companies move to OpenStreetMap like Telenav?
- Is a new website newsworthy? The new GeoServer website is certainly a nice improvement
- Getting closer to version 1.0, here's another summary of GeoGit - Distributed geospatial data versioning based on Git
- Geoff also shares a summary on the state of Canada's open geospatial data initiative
- On the American side, the NED DEM dataset will be replaced by 3DEP - 3D Elevation Program, offering always higher spatial resolution
From the Google front:
- Google provides an update on transit directions in Google Maps, including all transit routes in Great Britain and host cities in Brazil, real-time updates for Vancouver and Chicago, and more, also mentioning that transit is available in "64 countries and more than 15,000 towns and cities worldwide"
- At the beginning of the month, new Google Map apps added several new features, including Uber integration and an offline button for iOS
- The GEB shares Tips to make Google Earth appear more realistic and the screenshot is convincing and here's How the Google Earth cache works
- If you don't already know what those geometric structures are on the sea floor, Did Google Earth discover an underwater alien base?
- Want to understand El Nino? Everything about the El Nino Zone in Google Earth
- We told you about Project Tango already, Slashdot discusses Google Rumored To Be Making 3D-Scanning Tablets
- One article I missed published last month, in forestry, Google Earth Engine Brings Big Data to Environmental Activism
- And yes, here's the list of locations for this month's new Google Earth imagery
In the everything-else category:
- GeoJSON now an official media type registered with the IANA (IANA on Wikipedia)
- Over the Spatial Law site, an entry named White House Big Data and Privacy Report: Wake Up Call for Geospatial Community?
- At the research stage, ‘Quantum Compass’: Navigation technology that might replace GPS, this is also discussed over Slashdot
- Numbers to say it's worth, contribution of Geospatial Industry to Irish Economy in: E69.3m
- Interesting to see what is considered the Big 5 of geospatial: future cities, open geospatial, BIM, big data and policy, it's a series of events planned for next Fall
- Another free online course, Simon Fraser Professor Introduces GIS MOOC
- A short reminder of the potential of Augmented Reality and Geospatial Technology
- It's happening, Volvo Testing Autonomous Cars On Public Roads
- Privacy, US Police Departments Using Car Tracking Database Sworn To Secrecy
- But there's useful uses to tracking? Robbery Suspect Tracked By GPS and Killed
- Creating 'Swarm', Foursquare Splits To Take On Yelp
- Deeply into remote sensing? A new eNewsletter from the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
- The Proba-V mini-satellite, Views of Earth From Europe’s New Plant-Mapping Minisatellite
- I remember discussions about this 12 years ago, Canada might get its hyperspectral spaceborne mission, related press release
- Real-time tracking map of whales around Hawaii
In the maps category:
- Nice moon remote sensing, Help NASA Choose the Most Beautiful Lunar Image
- Less nice is ESA's Cryosat Mission Sees Antarctic Ice Losses Double
- Not useful, but there's something I like about the Worlds Capitals Voronoi map and why not, a Voronoi map of the world divided by airports
- A map according to languages, named by The Economist as The world according to Putin
- One of my favorite topics, Interactive map shows global economical inequality
- Let's end with funny maps, Slicing Europe with 20 stereotypes
Batch Geonews: OpenAddresses, csw4js, GeoPackage Support in ArcGIS, Historic Street View, and much more
Here's the recent geonews in batch mode.
On the open source / open data front:
- We talked about the beta OpenAddresses in, now OpenAddresses has launched
- Here's thoughts from State of the Map US and Peter Batty's report of SofM US, including the new Vector Tiles for OpenStreetMap and discussion over licensing
- A new open source project, the missing CSW library for JavaScript: csw4js
- Using QGIS? Learn more about Composition styling in QGIS 2.2
- In software updates, GeoServer-Manager 1.6.0 released and GeoTools 10.6 Released
On the Esri front:
- Good news for standards, support for OGC GeoPackage specification in ArcGIS.
- A fourth Esri app for iPad and iPhones, Now Available: Explorer for ArcGIS on iPad and iPhone, "Explorer for ArcGIS gives you a first class experience for accessing your geospatial data on a mobile device."
- More openness at Esri, ArcGIS Solutions symbols now have a repo on GitHub, of course, don't forget about the open Maki geo-symbols
- There's an upcoming free online seminar on Arc2Earth and Using Google Maps Inside Esri’s ArcGIS
- Esri has a New Ocean Basemap
On the Google front:
- We can now browse StreetView "historical" imagery, Go back in time with Street View
- The two are slowly merging, The long history of Google Earth in Google Maps
- Interesting, a book on The History of the World with Google Earth
- In the official Google blog, The latest chapter for the self-driving car: mastering city street driving, and Slashdot discusses Google Using Self-Driving Car Data To Make Cars Smarter
- Eyes in the sky, Google Buys Drone Maker Titan Aerospace
- Ogle Earth shares an entry named What does Crimea tell us about Google?
- As there frequently is, New Google Earth Imagery – May 1, and this one too, New Google Earth Imagery – April 16
In the miscellaneous category:
- Want to understand MapBox via educational guides? Introducing Mapbox Foundations and they also have two new products, Mapbox Launches Smart Directions and Introducing Mapbox Outdoors
- In Europe? The final Copernicus Regulation has been published, "Copernicus, previously known as GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), is the European Programme for the establishment of a European capacity for Earth Observation."
- Impacts of Ukraine, Russian sanctions have killed Canadian satellite launch
- Not the first we mention this, The Commoditization of the Earth Observation Satellite Business
- Google Glass? You can build your own, DIY Wearable Pi With Near-Eye Video Glasses
- O'Reilly has a long and informative entry on iBeacons, privacy, and security
- Also Apple-related, Apple acquired 24 companies in the past 18 months, including several mapping apps, including BroadMap, Embark, HopStop, Locationary, and WiFiSlam, along with other notable additions like 3D company PrimeSense
- And yes, Apple and Google can work together sometimes, Google's 'Project Tango' Smartphone Uses Apple's PrimeSense Technology
- MapQuest playing nice with popular open source libraries, Announcing MapQuest Plugins for Leaflet on Licensed and Open Data
- Remote sensing and mapping of citizens, Eyes Over Compton: How Police Spied On a Whole City
- If you haven't heard of 'Nearby Friends' yet, New Facebook Phone App Lets You Stalk Your Friends
- It's Facebook so it must matters? ;-) Facebook acquires activity-tracking app Moves
- A discussion regarding The Best Parking Apps You've Never Heard Of and Why You Haven't
- 3D coming to your phone? Amazon's Smartphone with 3D Capabilities Revealed in New Photos
- Based on where you live, UK Life Expectancy and Spatial Analysis
In the maps category:
- Via APB, a map of the Countries With The Worst Suicide Rates
- Wired published a story named 400 Years of Beautiful, Historical, and Powerful Globes
- Also from Wired, 18 Maps From When the World Thought California Was an Island
- An atlas, Global Renewable Energy Atlas
- TMR mentions two books about Art and Personal Mapmaking
- And if you're into poems, Map – poem by Wislawa Szymborska
Batch Geonews: Get Your Google Glass on April 15, TopoJSON, GDAL/OGR for ArcGIS, Ukraine Maps, and much more
Here's the recent geonews in batch mode.
On the open source / open data front:
- Here's AmigoCloud's open source GDAL/OGR plugin for ArcGIS
- I learned about dat, an open source 'data management package' with revision control, with similarities (competing with?) with GeoGit, related, GeoGit for Python: Announcing geogit-py
- We already told you about GeoJSON over GitHub, but you can go further with GitSpatial, a spatial API for GitHub-hosted GeoJSON files
- MySQL trying to catch up PostGIS, MySQL 5.7 GIS building on Boost Geometry
- GeoA shares an entry on StoryMap JS: Tell your own story using the Open-Source Story Map tool
- Amongst recent software updates, MapTiler 0.5.3
- More editing ahead, 500,000 km2 Satellite Imagery Update for OpenStreetMap Tracing, meanwhile you can do it yourself; Drone Adventures Imagery for Tracing in OpenStreetMap: Fukushima + Lima
On the Esri front:
- 'Explorer for ArcGIS', yes, that's for this month on iOS, Explorer for ArcGIS is coming!
- Interoperability, Using OpenLayers to work with REST and OGC services from ArcGIS Server
- 2TB of new imagery, New DigitalGlobe content released in World Imagery basemap
- Updated, ArcGIS API for JavaScript Version 3.9 Released
- Becoming open, Esri ArcGIS Open Data Update
On the Google front:
- That's it, anyone in the U.S. can finally buy their own Google Glasses, but if you want one, you need to buy it on Tuesday April 15 or wait until it becomes really available to everyone, anytime, Anyone Can Buy Google Glass April 15 and directly over CNN, Google Glass available to anyone for one day only - and yes, quantities are limited
- A generic and informative article About Google Earth Imagery
- With the data layer, Build a map infographic with Google Maps & JavaScript
- Maps everywhere, USGS Maps in Google Maps Gallery
- Angkor Wat, Wander through Angkor’s thousand-year-old temples on Street View
- Another article on The obscured areas of Google Earth
Discussed over Slashdot:
- Thanks open licenses, New York Public Library Releases Over 20,000 Hi-Res Maps
- Another way to do 3D viz, 3D Display Uses Misted Water
- Taxi sharing, Taxis By Algorithm: Streamlining City Transport With Graph Theory
- Still possible in, Russian GLONASS Down For 12 Hours
- Crowdsourced traffic app, In Israel, Class-Action Plaintiff Requests Waze Source Code Under GPL
- Location privacy once again, London's Public Bike Data Can Tell Everyone Where You've Been
- A map of submarine cables, Oxford Internet Institute Creates Internet "Tube" Map
- Another kind of map, Physicists Produce Antineutrino Map of the World
- Thanks OpenStreetMap once again, Racing To Contain Ebola, the map on MapBox: Mapping an entire city in a day
In the everything else category:
- We never specifically addressed the TopoJSON format, which is topological GeoJSON, related, GeoJSON for linked data, The GeoJSON-LD project
- A post that clearly demonstrates why GML was never a good solution: GML madness, hope GeoPackage will be a better one
- We never really mentioned the Internet of Things yet, worth reading a bit about this current buzz word since it has obvious geolocation ties, related, The Internet of Things forecasted to include 26 billion intelligent devices by
- Another informative entry on what is geofencing, Geofencing And My Business
- An why not, Cloak – location-based anti-social app lets you avoid annoying friends and exes
- A Make article on DIY Satellites: Now and Near Future and another one named Your Own Satellite: 7 Things to Know Before You Go
- Here's why remote sensing is a profession, Earth observation data and revenue generation; the catch and guidelines and it's evolving fast, Earth observation satellite startups set to transform the EO imaging ecosystem
- Corporate privacy is dead too, monitor Saudi Arabia oil reserves from satellites, Monitoring Oil reserves from Space
In the maps category:
- GeoCurrents offers a series over Ukraine, Ukrainian Regionalism and the Federal Option, Energy Issues in the Ukrainian Crisis and Russian Envelopment? Ukraine’s Geopolitical Complexities, also related, How cartographers should map Crimea?
- In the UK? UK Air Pollution Forecast Map
- Maps is money, The interactive map of taxi trips in New York city
- And a map of companies and their worldwide presence OpenCorporates Maps by KILN
- Fiction maps, The Secrets and Clues of the Official Game of Thrones Maps and why not, The Geology of 'Game of Thrones'
… now HOW open is open?
Bloggage update: A lot of (virtual) ink has flowed around opening up data. Everyone is getting into the act, from White House and Whitehall (UK Cabinet Office) to the number of open data hits. In my blog and its companion catalog, I showed many examples of data uploaded, served up and linked in to my web services.
Batch Geonews: PyQGIS Book, More GeoGit, Android Wear, Sub-meter Bathymetry, Google Maps Supports GeoJSON, and much more
Here's the recent geonews in batch mode.
From the open source / open data front:
- FOSS4G announced their opening keynote speaker, Mike Bostock of D3.js fame
- This was published as a PR, Extending QGIS Just Got Easier with The PyQGIS Programmer's Guide
- In the same category, Book Review: PostGIS Cookbook
- 3D in open source GIS is getting to a nice state, 3D viz with QGIS & three.js
- Open source PGRestAPI, a Node.js REST API for PostgreSQL Spatial Entities
- New versions, GeoTools 11.0 released and so was OSGeo-Live 7.9
- News from GeoGit, GeoGit in Action: Distributed Versioning for Geospatial Data
- Interesting news from OL3, OpenLayers 3 Vector Rendering: Topology-Preserving Simplification
- OpenStreetMap and open data generate plenty of offsprings, from OpenSnowMap to OpenLoveMap
- And the question of the license is never fully closed, OpenStreetMap: Is share-alike restrictive for spatial data?
From the Esri front:
- Here the What’s New in ArcGIS Online (March)
- Esri announced Routing Enhancements to ArcGIS Online
- They are also Introducing the Find, Edit, and Filter app for ArcGIS Online
From the Google front:
- Wearables are inherently geospatial, I make links between the new Android Wear project and this O'Reilly article named Wearing the future
- Google Maps now supports GeoJSON, Maps made easier: GeoJSON in the JavaScript Maps API
- A followup on a previous story, Hands On: Project Tango, Google’s 3D-Scanning Phone for Makers, also, Google's Project Tango Headed To International Space Station
- An upcoming webinar named Combining Google Maps and Google Search to Empower Decision Making
- Embedding Google Maps, Adding the new Google Maps to your website just got easier with the new Google Maps Embed API
- There's a lot to love with the new Google Maps, but GeoAwesomeness shares 4 things I hate about new Google Maps
- Ok, if you have some free time, here's a nice game to discover the world, guess where the StreetView you're shown actually comes from with GeoGuessr
- New data, Explore America’s most endangered river on Street View and Hawaii too, Aloha from Google Street View
- Drown your town, Using Google Earth to predict sea level rise
- Art and map content gives us Art from infrastructure: the art of Google Maps
Geo-related discussions over Slashdot:
- An open discussion on the Easiest To Use Multi-User Map Editing?
- You car is being tracked, Vast Surveillance Network Powered By Repo Men
- Still on privacy, Cops Say NDA Kept Them from Notifying Courts About Cell Phone Tracking Gadget
- It could have been another service, Using Google Maps To Intercept FBI and Secret Service Calls
- The Navy too, Navy Database Tracks Civilians' Parking Tickets, Fender-Benders
- And why not track all cars? L.A. Police: All Cars In L.A. Are Under Investigation
- Visualization, Key Routes and Communities In London's Bike Rental Network
- For now, Using Handheld Phone GPS While Driving Is Legal In California
In the everything else category:
- We mentioned a few times iBeacons, here's you chance to catch up, O'Reilly publishes an article named iBeacon basics
- Bing Maps Developers blog is shut down, what does this say about Microsoft's interest in mapping technologies?
- The father of GIS died, and it's time from an history lesson with this entry named Geospatial computerization in the 1960s: The Canada Land Inventory
- For yourself or colleagues? Another open geospatial course, Skills for the Digital Earth, Open for Registration
- I have failed to make it work, but it's based on Leaflet and MapBox, a new virtual globe AtomJump Javascript 3D Earth API
- While not under Google's wings anymore, it is still alive and well, SketchUp and a refreshed 3D Warehouse released
- MapBox, one of the popular geoenterprises, is Launching Mapbox Enterprise, which is essentially the same great MapBox services for aimed at large clients
- Indoor mapping being revolutionized, Wired's We Mapped Our Boss’ Office With This Slick New 3-D Camera
- Indoor mapping is a la mode, TomTom enters “Indoor”
- Tablets and geospatial; First app for LiDAR data visualisation on iPad
- Routing challenges, Helsinki’s personalized bus service is like Uber for public transit
- Talking of transit, Apple Maps to Include Transit Directions, Improved Points of Interest Data in iOS 8
- There's the 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science next June in Spain
- A Spatial Law perspective on UAVs in the US
- Meanwhile, more EO satellites gets into space, Planet Labs' Flock 1 comprised of 28 Earth observation Cubesats deployed from ISS
- Bathymetry? Worth a look, Satellite-derived bathymetry at sub-meter level from EOMAP and Satrec Initiative
In the maps category:
- This MapBox overlay is pretty nice, Global Elevation Data on Satellite Imagery
- A map of solar time vs clock time for each timezone, How Wrong Is Your Clock?
- Hungry? Country maps made of food
Batch Geonews: GeoPackage Webinar, Esri and Open Data, Future of Google Earth, OpenLayers 3 News, QGIS 2.2, and much more
Here's the recent geonews in batch mode. I've been struggling with many fires, I currently publish much less frequently than usual, but don't worry, everything major is in there!
From the open source / open data front:
- Dubbed as the Shapefile replacement, we discussed the GeoPackage standard several times, next week March 5 there's a webinar about it
- Certainly useful, GitHub adds visual history for maps, visualizing geojson updates directly on a map
- In case you missed the press release, open source 3D city platform ViziCities released on GitHub
- The power of open data, At Sochi Olympics, Crowdsourced OpenStreetMap Trounces Google Maps
- And if you wonder, Sochi was not mapped for Olympics and look at the nice maps you can do with open data - Sochi, with love
- News of OpenLayers 3 currently in beta 2, OpenLayers 3 Is Coming, Creating a custom build of OpenLayers 3 and there's even The book of OpenLayers3 is coming
- Using MapServer on Windows? Announcing MapServer MapManager 1.0
- In other updates, what's new in QGIS 2.2 which by itself could have deserved it's own entry, GeoTools 10.5 released and Rasterio 0.6
- Interesting entry on PostGIS bugs
From the Esri front:
- An article from readwrite, Esri Enables Federal Agencies To Open GIS Mapping Data To The Public
- We mentioned it last November, Introducing Esri’s Geotrigger Service: Welcome to the Future of Geofencing
- There's CityEngine key new features
- And What’s coming in ArcGIS Online March
- APB also offer Top 10 Take-Aways from the Opening Plenary of Esri’s Federal GIS Conference
From the Google front:
- Here's a very interesting article from Frank Taylor on the future of Google Earth, which apparently is being left aside in favor of Google Maps
- Google is Introducing Google Maps Gallery: Unlocking the World’s Maps
- The Canadian north in Street View, Wandering in the footsteps of the polar bear with Google Maps
- And it goes to India too, Discover the Taj Mahal and other iconic Indian monuments on Street View
- And a frequent topic, Monitoring the World's Forests with Global Forest Watch
- And if you don't like OpenStreetMap and open data, Expanding Google's Map Maker community in Southern and Eastern Europe
- A book review, Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook
- Pretty nice and useful, Visualizing Google Search Results overlaid over 3D buildings
Discussed over Slashdot:
- DIY, Radar Expert Explains How To Cheaply Add Radar To Your Own Hardware Projects
- Video, not just photo anymore, New 360-Degree Video Capture Method Unveiled
- After autonomous cars, Terrafugia Wants Their Flying Car To Be Autonomous
- Don't tell me you're surprised, Lumia Phones Leaking Private Data To Microsoft
- That's not fun for their users, Major Vulnerability In Tinder Dating App Allowed User [ Location ] Tracking
- Cellphone tracking, Death By Metadata: The NSA's Secret Role In the US Drone Strike Program
- And some of the time there's hope, ICE License-Plate Tracking Plan Withdrawn Amid Outcry About Privacy
- And there's the good uses, A New Use For Drones: Traffic Scouting
- Not surprising, Australian Police Deploy 3D Crime Scene Scanner
- A New Interactive Map For Understanding Global Flood Risks and here's a related article
- It's not going well for our oceans, 3D Maps Reveal a Lead-Laced Ocean
- It's actually from DigitalGlobe, Google Earth's New Satellites
- Car navigation, Dead Reckoning For Your Car Eliminates GPS Dead Zones
- And cars will chat together, Government To Require Vehicle-to-vehicle Communication
In the everything-else category:
- Interested in Lidar? Read LIDAR Format Wars: Towards an Open Future and it matters, Report predicts that low cost LiDAR will be disruptive in next 5 years, also related, LiDAR Data Quality Standards, Certification Discussed at LiDAR Forum Session
- Here's a list of Free GIS Apps on the Google Play Store
- Earlier this month, the 'father of GIS, Roger Tomlinson, passed away
- It has been a while since we discussed The State of CAD and GIS Integration
- A new article on What Skills Does A GIS Analyst Require
- An anniversary this month, Celebrating 25 Years of Not Getting Lost Thanks to GPS
- Groups on Earth Observations? What is GEO
- Microsoft, 15 New 3D Cities Available in the Bing Maps Preview App
- Law, California Appeals Court Rules State Law Doesn't Prohibit Driver Use of Smartphone Maps
- VIa OR, Mapping Twitter Topic Networks: From Polarized Crowds to Community Clusters
- Via OR, after iBeacons and many others, here's the Nokia Treasure Tag
- OGC news, OGC Activities and Mobile Industry Trends and the Candidate OGC IndoorGML standard available for public comment
- Amazing what you can do for fantasy locations, If Middle-Earth Were Real, These Exquisite Shots Would Be Its Vacation Brochure
- Here's a fake mapped town that became real, Agloe, the Paper Town Stronger than Fiction
- New online courses, New Geo MOOC: From GPS and Google Maps to Spatial Computing
In the maps category:
- Over Canadian national news website, there was a mention of the map of legal cannabis in the U.S.
- Syria over Wired, Hyperlocal Neighborhood Maps Reveal the Chaos in Aleppo
- Nice map, A Map of U.S. Intercity Bus and Train Routes
- The First online Global Freshwater Biodiversity Atlas
And thanks to Andrew Zolnai for his recent donation to Slashgeo, we wouldn't be there without the community!
Read More »Open-source 3D city platform ViziCities released on GitHub

Batch Geonews: Sochi Olympics, Esri Maps for SAP, All Cars Tracked by, and much much more
Here's the recent geonews in batch mode. I don't aggregate geonews as frequently as I used to but the content is there and I hope to return to an increased frequency later this Winter. Are you German? If so, you might be interested in these efforts to have Slashgeo translated in German.
On the open source / open data front:
- The 20 millionth edit in OpenStreetMap, entry that includes some interesting stats such as 1.5 million registered users and 2,17 billion nodes in the database
- Yes, the FOSS4G-CEE is now transformed in a recurrent FOSS4G-Europe conference
- The City of Montreal's textured 3D buildings are now freely available in CityGML
- Some releases, GeoServer 2.4.4 Released, Rasterio 0.5, GeoTools 10.4 Released
- Good news, Brazil's open data and open source satellite monitoring system dramatically reduces illegal deforestation in the Amazon
- From MapBox, new interactive heatmaps plugin, they also shared their beautiful woodcut-inspired map for the entire world, MapBox also gets Customizable maps in Tableau
- It's coming Odyssey.js to "help journalists, bloggers, and other people on the web publish stories that combine narratives with maps and map interactions" (via APB)
On the Esri front:
- From Esri's blog, 10 open source projects every JavaScript geo dev should know about
- SAP being pretty common in the enterprise, Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects released!
On the Google front:
- From the official source, Introducing Slovenia Street View and updating Russian imagery
- And of course, Mapping the Sochi Winter Olympics in Google Earth
- They can do that too, How Google identifies house numbers in Street View
- Interesting on WebGL and more, 4 reasons why Google’s Lego-Maps is not your average tech demo
- I haven't seen the movie yet, Every Earth view from “Gravity” identified in Google Earth
- Mountain lover? Awesome Google Earth image of Mount Everest from NASA
- And why not, Snowboarding in Google Earth
Discussed over Slashdot:
- In the U.S.? Map of Publicly-Funded Creationism Teaching
- Locating workers all the time, Virtual Boss Keeps Workers On a Short Leash
- Privacy once again, EU Secretly Plans To Put a Back Door In Every Car By
- Location leaks via Angry Birds and Google Maps, NSA and GCHQ Target "Leaky" Phone Apps To Scoop User Data
- Using Android and care about your privacy? The App That Tracks Who's Tracking You
- Crowdsourcing located tweets, Rome Police Use Twitter To Battle Illegal Parking
- Thanks open data, Open Data Tells NYC Residents Where the Rats Are
- Another indication that 3D printing is getting mainstream, Dell Partners With MakerBot To Resell 3D Printers and Scanners and World's First Multi-Color, Multi-Polymer 3D Printer Unveiled
- History meets digital, Atlas of US Historical Geography Digitized
- Impressive hack, Finnish Hacker Isolates Helicopter GPS Coordinates From YouTube Video Sounds
- Satellite for near real-time measurements of global rain and snowfall
- Mapping outer worlds, First Global Map Outside the Solar System
- You were certainly convinced already, Why We Need OpenStreetMap (Video)
- We knew about that already, Mozilla Is Mapping Cell Towers and WiFi Access Points
In the miscellaneous category:
- Nice, France To Make Older Spot Images Available to Researchers for Free
- It's easy to agree with, Why Leaders Should Learn Geography
- A new initiative GI-N2K, Geographic Information: Need to Know, towards a more demand-driven geospatial workforce education system
- Convincing, LiDAR pushes archaeological revolution
- Location-driven music, Ryan Holladay: To hear this music you have to be there. Literally
- Build your own GPS, no kidding, over Make: Finding Your Way with GPS
- Stilll from Make, Using Quadcopters for Photogrammetry
- Nothing surprising there, How geolocation may play a bigger role in future newsgathering
- Wired on There’s a Science to Foot Traffic, and It Can Help Us Design Better Cities
- Also from Wired, How the U.S. Maps the World’s Most Disputed Territories
- GPS accuracy: GAGAN, India's SBAS (similar to WAAS) is now operational
In the maps category:
- Ok, that's strange / map geeky. Vend they fir jug 45679: the Map Hiding Under Your Fingers
- As always, Brian Timoney is pretty pertinent, In Praise of the Static Map
- A map of scientific research, The Research Map of the World
- Informative, The Last 40 Years Of The World’s Refugees On A Single Map
- And scary, If all the Ice melted: National Geographic’s Interactive map on Rising Seas
Batch Geonews: Predictions, Near Real-Time Imagery of Earth, Location Privacy, LiDAR Formats, and much more
The first batch geonews edition!
On the open source / open data front:
- An informative update on the OGR OpenFileGDB driver to read Esri's file geodatabase format
- Plugin to display QGIS 2D maps in 3D in a web browser via three.js
- Interesting predictions and trends, Juan Marin’s Predictions for and Paul Ramsey’s Predictions for and MapBrief Geo Predictions
- We never mentioned the open source data portal software before, but it supports geospatial data pretty well
- Via OR, MapGive — U.S. State Dept launches OpenStreetMap contributing tool “to help humanitarian efforts”, and the State of the Map will be held in Buenos Aires
- Some software updates, MapGuide Maestro 5.1, Geopaparazzi 3.9.0 is out, SAGA 2.1.1 released, Mapbox.js v1.6.0
- Using open source software to answer Will the sun shine on us?
- Talking of the sun, News from Marble: Introducing Sun and the Moon and Planets
On the Google front:
- Really worth taking a look to Climate Viewer 3D: The Google Earth Climate Change, Pollution and Privacy Viewer
- A new book, Google Maps JavaScript API CookBook
- Viewing the Topography of the Thermohaline Circulation of the Oceans in Google Earth
- There's New 3D imagery in Tokyo and other Japanese cities
- From Slashdot. Google Removes "Search Nearby" Function From Updated Google Maps
- Why not, Creating artwork based on Street View
- If genealogy is within your interests, Genealogy through Google Earth
On the Apple front:
- Description of an Apple Maps App with Interactive Data Layers Detailed in New Patent
- Will this concept catch up? Apple's iBeacon Technology Brings New Possibilities for Location-Based Gaming
- Nokia's HERE not popular enough? Nokia Pulls 'HERE' Maps App for iOS, Citing iOS 7 Changes That 'Harm the User Experience'
Discussed over Slashdot:
- Yes, this is coming, Swarms of Small Satellites Set To Deliver Close To Real-Time Imagery of Earth another related entry is named Planet Labs to capture near-continuous whole-Earth imagery from 28 five kilogram satellites
- If you're a regular Slashgeo reader, you know this already, Why the World Needs OpenStreetMap, and it's time to migrate 'en masse' according to The Guardian
- On privacy, It's Not Just the NSA: Police Are Tracking Your Car
- But you know what? Carmakers Keep Data On Drivers' Locations From Navigation Systems
- And here's a confirmation, Ford Exec: 'We Know Everyone Who Breaks the Law' Thanks To Our GPS In Your Car
- But there's always hope? Recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Settlement Will Make It Harder to Collect and Share Geoinformation In US
- First step before commercial drones, Feds Announce Test Sites For Drone Aircraft
- For fun, CES: Building Self-Guiding Lego Robots for Fun and (Maybe) Profit (Video)
- There are still wonders to discover, thanks to geo, Lasers Unearth Lost 'Agropolis' of New England
- Tracking bees, Scientists Glue Sensors To 5,000 Bees In a Bid To Better Understand Them
In the everything else category:
- A geodesy dream? Affordable Arduino-Compatible Centimeter-Level GPS Accuracy
- Using LIDAR data? Read Format Wars Episode V: LIDAR, why? Esri Launches its Own Propriety Compressed LiDAR Format: .zlas
- An article on Spike, creating 3D models of buildings and things with a smartphone, not the first app of that kind but that one comes from a GIS company
- Free map online course from Coursera to begin in April
- You already know what IFTTT recipes are? Here's you'll learn about geoenabling triggers with geofences and more
- Here's about SenseFly, a drone for taking oblique imagery
- A generic entry on the Cocktail of Technologies for Smart Cities: The role of Geospatial Tech
- Wired on Tracking the Secret Lives of Great White Sharks
- Let's talk about our privacy again, DARPA’s 1.8 gigapixel ARGUS-IS: The Ultimate Surveillance System from above?, that's 1.8 gigapixels and 12 frames/second, 24/7
- On the SPOT remote sensing satellite family, up to SPOT 7, The new SPOTs
- On 3D printing, yup, really mainstream now, Adobe Adds 3D Printer Support To Photoshop and here's about the open source ' slic3r ' — converts a digital 3D model into printing instructions for your 3D printer (via OR)
In the maps category:
- On mapmaking, The Hidden Meanings of Maps: Design and Colors
- Beautiful, A woodcut inspired map for city streets
- Jonathan provides a book Review: A History of the World in Twelve Maps
- And here's A look at twelve maps that changed the world
- Don't we all like beautiful maps? Wired shares The Most Amazing, Beautiful and Viral Maps of Year
- Here's a map you have to see, would you believe how big is Africa? Mercator projections are messing with our perception of the world